Applications FAQs

We know applying to College is a big decision to make and we would like to make the process as easy as possible for you. I'm sure you'll have many questions so have collated the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) below. If you cannot find the answer below, please contact us on the details at the bottom for the page.

Applying  |  Interviews |  Offers  |  Fees  | Enrolment 



Who can apply?

We have courses for all ages, however each year we intake a large number of 16-18 year olds.  The majority of our students are full-time, studying A-level or BTEC courses. We consider ourselves to be a general access college for London and we do not prioritize applicants who live in particular boroughs. However, we prefer to offer places to those who live within a reasonable travelling distance.

Higher Education Courses – Do I need to apply through UCAS?

It is preferable that you apply through UCAS.

How do I apply online?

To apply for a course, simply navigate to the course you would like to apply for and click the big red "apply" button on the right hand side of the screen. Then fill in the form. Please make sure you include your qualifications or predicted grades. In regards to your Personal Statement, we value quality over quantity and it should include why you want to study the course.  Please also use this to inform us of anything which you cannot include elsewhere on the form, but that you feel is important for your application.

I've completed an online application. What happens next?

We will be in contact with you to either ask you to come in for an interview, or we will send you an offer. If you are applying in August, please just come to see us and enrol on the date advertised on the website.

Can I change the course I applied for after I have submitted my application?

If you would like to change the course you have applied for, please email informing us which course you would like to change to.

What happens if a subject is cancelled?

This happens very rarely. If we have to withdraw a subject we would do our utmost to provide you with a suitable alternative. At application stage and after offer, we will contact you to let you know the reasons for the change


How do I get to my interview?

Click this link to view transport links to our Paddington Green Campus

What do I need to bring?

If you have a reference from your school/employer please do bring this or use the template we provide and ask your school to stamp it. You may be asked to bring your art portfolio or a sample of music. For an audition you will need to prepare a piece to perform.

I can’t make the date/time I have registered for my interview. Is it possible to rearrange?

Yes, just email us on and you'll be able to reschedule your interview.

I couldn't make the interview I booked. Is it possible to rebook another?

Yes, just email us on and you'll be able to cancel or reschedule your interview.

Can my parent / guardian come with me?

Yes. Although any visitors including parents or guardians will be required to wait at Reception during your interview.

What criteria are used when selecting for offer or interview?

The criteria include your academic potential and predicted grades, journey to College, school report or references, combination of subjects, your contribution to your current school or place of employment and participation in extra-curricular activities. Please be aware that in most years the College has been heavily oversubscribed and we cannot guarantee to interview all applicants even if they meet our minimum criteria.

What does it mean if I am called for interview later than someone else or I don't have an interview?

We have so many applications that we spread interviews throughout the year. Different subjects hold interviews at different times.

Do we operate any quotas when selecting students?

Each applicant is judged on their merits and we will not use quotas when offering places. However, during the enrolment period courses can fill up.

Is there anything I need to bring or do if I am asked for interview?

For some courses if you have been asked to interview, you may be required to demonstrate your ability in the course area you have applied for. 

For Performing Arts courses you will be required to audition.

For Art, Graphics and Photography courses you will be required to bring your portfolio.

What do I need to bring?

You may be asked to bring your art portfolio or a sample of music. For an audition you will need to prepare a piece to perform. 


When will I hear whether I have a conditional place or not?

We aim to let everyone know the outcome of their application as soon as possible. We do generally let people know at interview but the email confirming this can take a little longer.

What sort of offer can I expect?

Most of our offers are conditional on your GCSE results but we can also ask for portfolio of art work, performance audition or written work. Our offers are based on our individual courses. Please see the relevant page on our website for specific entry criteria. Some course areas like Performing Arts may require an audition. We do also offer unconditional places if you have prior qualifications. We also might refer you to another course and occasionally we are unable to offer a place and will write to you with the explanation. 

I've received an offer without an interview, is this correct?

Yes, if we feel that your application is strong and your predicted or achieved grades are correct for the course you have applied for, we can progress straight to making you an offer. 

I've received an offer, but I still want an interview, is this possible?

Yes, just contact us on, and we will be able to arrange an interview for you at our next session. 

Can I change course after I have been offered a place?

We will do our best to accommodate you but cannot guarantee this since other courses may be full. If you change to course in a different area, for example from ICT to business you will need to submit another application.  If you wish to change courses following the publication of GCSE results, this will depend on the availability of places but we are often able to do this.

I’ve been offered a place on a different course; why?

Based on your application or interview, we may feel that an alternative course or different level would be more suitable than your original choice and make you an offer accordingly. We can often review this at enrolment.

What happens if I do not reach the offer conditions?

If you do not make your predicted grades we will offer you a place on an alternative course or level. Please do ask or come to the dates advertised as Open Enrolment.

What happens if I decide not to take up my place?

You would need to let us know if you wish to withdraw as soon as possible, either by email or during the Enrolment process or by returning your Enrolment pack on GCSE results day, indicating that you do not wish to take up your place. 


Are there any fees (16-18)?

If you are 16-18 years old and choose to study on a 16-19 Study Programme there are no fees to pay.  

Are there any fees (19+)?

Yes, but fee exemptions may apply.

Fee exemption for Adults (aged 19 or older on 31st August the year you start college) are complex. All adults will be formally fee assessed during the enrolment process. If you are seeking fee exemption on the basis that you are claiming benefits, you will need to provide evidence of this.  This could include Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Universal Credit and Employment Support Allowance, evidence must be dated no more than three months before the start of your course.

To be eligible for fee exemption you must meet the eligibility criteria below:

  1. Individuals will be eligible for GLA (Greater London Area) funded ASF (Adult Skills Funded) if on the first day of learning a learner is aged 19 or older on 31 August within the 2024 to 2025 funding year, the learning is taking place in England and they are resident in London. Individuals that fulfil the residency requirements and must have valid permission to live in the UK for at least 12 months in duration.
  2. UK nationals (Outside of the GLA) have an eligible residency status if they have been ordinarily resident in the UK, Republic of Ireland, or the British Overseas Territories, or the Crown Dependencies (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) for at least the previous 3 years on the first day of learning.
HE Courses for learners 18 and over

There are fees for HE courses, however there are HE loans available. To qualify for a loan, you must meet the eligibility criteria set out on the student loans company link below:

Student finance for undergraduates: Overview - GOV.UK (


How do I enrol?

Just come in and see us, we'll be able to take you through from application to enrolment and have you ready for starting in September. If you want to speed things up, you can apply online by visiting our course pages.

I've made an application but not received the email inviting me to enrolment. What should I do?

First check your junk or bulk email folder in case the email is in there. If not, then please come into campus to see us. We'll take care of you and help you complete your enrolment.

If I get a waiting list place what are my chances?

This varies from year to year and often depends on which subjects are wanted. It is not possible to put any sort of figure on this. The more flexible you are about your subject choices, the more likely it is that we can fit you in. If you are keen to have a place, let us know after the GCSE results are published.

If I change my mind about a course once I have started can I change?

This may be possible but any changes must be requested very quickly and will depend on space availability and your grade profile.

Can I enrol if I was not initially selected for interview?

Yes, you can apply after GCSE results day by coming into our Paddington Green Campus with your GCSE results during our Open Enrolment period. You must still have met our minimum entry criteria. However we consider current applicants before new or re-applications. Courses can fill up over the enrolment period. Please remember this when booking your summer holiday.

What will I need to bring?

If you still have a question and would like to speak to someone, please contact us on the details below.

Phone: 020 7723 8826