For information on Learning Disabilities Courses click here.
At City of Westminster College, we are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all our learners. The Additional Learning Support Team works with students with a range of support needs and learning difficulties. The ALS team supports SEND students throughout their time at college whilst helping them to achieve their desired progression routes.
‘Provision for High Need Learners’-graded as good by Ofsted, December 2024
If you would like to contact the Additional Learning Support Team or have any ALS related queries please contact:
Head of Faculty for ALS:
For information on Westminster Council’s SEND Local Offer please visit:
How can I find out more information about your learning support provision?
There are a number of options available:
- Attend a College Open Day where the Additional Learning Support Team will be on duty to provide information about the support available for young people with SEND. Click here for information on upcoming Open Days. .
- Apply for a course. Prospective students will be invited to disclose support needs during the application process.
- Contact the Additional Learning Support Team directly using the contact details above.
How does the college know if students need extra help?
There are several opportunities to disclose support needs to the college:
- We invite prospective students to disclose support needs on their application form.
- Support needs can be disclosed and discussed with the Additional Learning Support Team at enrolment.
- Teaching staff may make a referral to the Additional Learning Support Team if they observe evidence of need in class.
- You can contact the Additional Learning Support Team directly using the contact details on this page.
For mainstream courses: If a prospective student has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) they must have their plan assessed by the Additional Learning Support team before they enrol on to a course. This can be done through the formal consultation process with the relevant Local Authority or by contacting the Additional Learning Support department directly.
For Special Learning Difficulties and Disabilities: Please see the Local Offer for Special Learning Disabilities page
If a student has a medical condition that the College should be aware of, please complete the relevant form and return to the Information Centre after enrolment.
Medical Protocol Pack 19/20 16-18
Medical Protocol Pack 19/20 ADULT
How will college staff support a student with special education needs?
The support put in place will depend upon the needs of the individual student. We are committed to ensuring all possible reasonable adjustments are made in order to accommodate our students with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Support might consist of:
- In class support for high needs students provided by learning support assistants.
- 1:1 additional lessons with specialist teachers in the Additional Learning Support Team.
- Access arrangements. (Please ensure you inform the ALS department and course tutors of any previous exam concessions as these will have to be assessed).
- The loan of assistive software and technology where appropriate.
- The provision of a Support Plan which would outline the support available.
All support measures will be negotiated with the young person and reviewed regularly.
What does the college curriculum look like?
All students between 16 and 18 will follow a Study Programme which will consist of the main programme (e.g. BTEC Business), and if required, English and Maths. Employability and ICT Skills are embedded within all of our mainstream programmes.
How does the college monitor the progress of students?
Every student will have a personal tutor who will monitor their attendance, punctuality and progress. If a student is receiving 1:1 support from the ALS Team then they will be assigned an ALS tutor who will also monitor progress and liaise with curriculum
When will parents/guardians be able to discuss a student’s progress?
The college holds parents’ evening events throughout the year for parents/guardians to meet with curriculum and ALS staff. In addition, parents are encouraged to keep in regular contact with course tutors and with the ALS Team. Students who have EHCPs will also have an annual review which gives students and their parents/guardians the opportunity to discuss progress.
What support will there be for a child’s overall wellbeing and pastoral care?
At City of Westminster College the student’s overall wellbeing is of paramount importance. All students have a personal tutor and have access to a student advisor. Students can always speak to any member of staff such as their course tutors, a learning support assistant, enrichment worker or ALS tutor.
Who can parents/carers contact for further information, or to raise concerns?
If parents/carers have concerns about their child’s learning, progress and support within college, they should contact the tutor in the first instance. They can also contact their Head of School, Head of Additional Learning Support or Head of Learner Services.
Does the college offer work experience and any vocational opportunities?
Employability is an integral and important aspect of all study programmes and all students will be offered work placements and vocational opportunities. Support on a work experience placement will be organised in conjunction with the Additional Learning Support Team.