
The United Colleges Group are committed to creating and maintaining a friendly, welcoming and safe learning environment for learners, staff and visitors. The safety and welfare of our learners is of great importance to us and we will protect all our students and staff whether learning is taking place on or off college premises.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the process of creating a safe environment for all students and staff that actively prevents harm, harassment, bullying, abuse and neglect. The College expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to respect and engage with this commitment.

What is Prevent?

The Prevent duty is part of the overall counter-terrorism strategy designed to reduce the threat from terrorism through prevention.

Complying with the Prevent duty includes promoting and exemplifying British values: i.e. democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect and different faiths and beliefs.

Contact us

If for any reason, you feel unsafe whether inside or outside of the college or would like to report a safeguarding concern then please contact a member of the safeguarding team.

How to contact us

Call: 0208 208 5445

Opening hours

Monday to Friday - 9:00am – 5:00pm

Maida Vale:
Tuesday to Thursday - 9:00am – 5:00pm

Out of hours

If there is a life threatening situation, please call 999 or 101 non-emergency.

Meet our safeguarding team

Safeguarding Leads

Angela Jackson
Vice Principal & Strategic Safeguarding Lead

Joanne Smith
Interim Assistant Principal for Student Experience

Diana Brown
Head of Student Support Services & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Sophie Knight
Student Support Coordinator & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Our policies

Safeguarding Ambassador

Becoming a safeguarding ambassador offers students within the college community a valuable opportunity to contribute to campus safety and develop critical skills. By taking on this role, students promote awareness and foster a culture of vigilance and support through peer-to-peer education. This initiative not only empowers students to protect themselves and their peers but also equips them with competencies relevant to numerous industries, such as education, healthcare, social services, and corporate environments. Additionally, serving as a safeguarding ambassador enhances students' CVs and increases their employability, providing both immediate and long-term professional benefits.