Life at City of Westminster College isn’t just about achieving the best grades. It’s also about meeting new people, getting involved in events and activities and giving you the opportunity to expand your experiences and enhance your personal development, to help prepare you for the world of work or further study.
Our Student Enrichment Team are here to help support you through your College experience. They organise a wide variety of daily activities including football, basketball, table tennis, Brazilian Jujitsu, boxing, music appreciation and street dance, giving you the opportunity to learn new skills, get involved in sports, volunteering, coaching or just have fun. If you are interested in competitive sports, the College competes in London-wide basketball, football and table tennis leagues. The Student Enrichment Team also plan and support an exciting range of clubs and societies, working closely with our Student Council and Student Ambassadors, to help make your time at College even more fun and action packed!
The Enrichment Team also work in partnership with external services within the wider community to ensure that you can access support and information from organisations such as SASH and Kick-it. Many specialist agencies come in to deliver regular tutorials on issues such as drug dependency, budgeting and rights and responsibilities.
Get Involved
There are lots of ways you can get yourself involved in College life, meet other students, gain valuable experience and make your voice hear - all of which will look great on your CV.
Student Union
All of our students are invited to become a member of the College’s Student Council, which is part of the National Union of Students (NUS). This membership gives you access to advice and information, discounts on travel, shopping, stationery and many other useful benefits to make living on a student budget easier.
Student Council and Student Governors
Student Governors are elected from the Student Council and sit on the Governing Body of the College, making sure that the views and voices of students are heard. They work with the governors to help improve the education and teaching at City of Westminster College. It’s your Student Council – and that means you can take an active part in shaping it. We encourage you to develop clubs and societies, organise trips, parties and various other leisure and sporting activities.
Course Reps
Each course elects a Course Representative, and they are invited to attend meetings with College managers to discuss their opinions, offer suggestions and give feedback on their course and what it is like to be a College student.
Student Ambassadors
We are proud of our students and encourage them to gain skills that go beyond your qualifications. We run a Student Volunteer programme which offers learners the chance to contribute to College life, helping out with College events such as Freshers' Fairs, H.E Fairs, Open Days and Award ceremonies. Students who volunteer consistently through the year are often invited to become Student Ambassadors, where they continue to help out at internal and external events and are given the opportunity to gain paid work during the College’s enrolment period. Our Ambassador programme gives students real, practical skills they can use for work and experience they can put on their UCAS applications and CVs.
Being a student at City of Westminster College is your opportunity to play an active role in our community, make friends, learn new things and ensure your voice is heard. We want to work with you to improve the college community and, by getting involved, you can help make a real difference at City of Westminster College.