Our success
We have been accredited by the Matrix quality standard for information, advice and guidance services since 2007.
The College Careers Leader is Faith Patterson

What is Labour Market Information?
LMI tells you about current and forecast job opportunities in different sectors. For example, it can tell you what average salaries are for particular roles, whether industries are predicted to expand or contract, and about technological or training changes. It is very helpful in planning your career, and therefore in helping you decide what course to choose.
Click here for more info on LMI for All - an online data portal, developed by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, which brings together existing national sources of LMI that can inform people’s choices about their careers.
Careers Education
The College is committed to helping students make informed choices about their career goals and aspirations.
We are actively working towards meeting the Benchmarks of good career guidance, developed by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
We have a range of careers related events, activities and support on offer for our students. Please click on the link below for more info.