Please choose an initial A Level you would like to apply for, then follow the on screen instructions on the online application form. Add the names of the additional A Levels you would like to study into your personal statement, indicating why you have selected those options.
In the first year (A1) students will engage in EDEXCEL Route 1H: Britain Transformed 1918-97 and Route 2H.2: The USA, 1955-92: conformity and challenge.
In the second year (A2) students will engage with EDEXCEL Route 36.1: Protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain, c1780-1928. In addition, students will be expected to complete as part of their course a 4,000 word enquiry into historical arguments of a chosen subject, often chosen by the students themselves.
The course will develop skills of historical research, critical thinking, source analysis and interpretations of primary sources and historians.The course will include a multitude of curated online learning material, opportunities to develop debating skills, practice academic writing and to take part in educational visits.
This course will lead you into all sorts of career paths and university choices but you will be mainly interested in a legal career, political science, journalism and literature. History is a subject valued by universities and employers because it combines logical investigation with reasoned and substantiated argument. Students who study History often follow the subject at degree level or study for a related subject such as Law, Politics or Sociology. The study of History is useful in a wide range of careers such as the legal profession, the civil service, teaching, local government, politics, and in pressure groups and charities. History skills are especially useful in research based occupations such as journalism, the police and the law.
You will learn through class activities, group work, independent learning, timed assessment, feedback and teacher-led discussion.
The EDEXCEL course focuses on both breadth and depth investigations into two major areas: a more deep-dive nation-driven investigation into 20th century history and a more breadth-orientated social investigation into British history from the 18th to early 20th centuries. The configuration of the units for A1 and A2 is as follows:
A1 Units:Students must provide their own pens, pencils and stationary. It is advised that students purchase the relevant text books but this is not required.
A Level History
Along with the 3 exam papers at the end of the 2 year course, students are expected to complete the 4,000 word coursework assignment as part of the A Level qualification.
You will complete four hours of independent study each week, including homework tasks. Each year, one day is set aside for a history trip.
Journalism, Legal, Literature, Political science
All A-level candidates must have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, including English and Maths.
You do not need any past knowledge but an interest in European and British history is very important. Due to the academic and reading nature of the course it is important that students are interested in the subject matter in order to keep up with academic demands.
If you are aged between 16 and 18 on 31st August (the year you start your studies) and received free school meals when you were at school, you may be eligible to receive a free meal at College. For more information on free school meals, click here.
All our Further Education (FE) courses (Entry to Level 3) are free to EU residents who are under 19 years old on the 31st August (the year you start your studies). For a few courses you may be expected to contribute towards the cost of specialist materials and resources. However, depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for financial help from the College’s Learner Support Fund. You should apply for any such financial support as soon as you have been offered a place.
Care to learn - childcare support for young people aged 16-20
If you are aged under 20 at the beginning of your course, or moving to the 2nd year of a level 3 course, and are caring for your own child you may be entitled to £175.00 maximum per week, per child through Care to Learn.
Please ensure you register on the Care to Learn website even if you haven’t chosen your childcare provider or the course you want to study. Once you have registered Care to Learn will confirm financial support in principle.
For further details and help with making an application please visit or speak to a Student Advisor.
If you are aged 20+ when you start a course and need financial support to help with the cost of childcare while you study the college may be able to help.
You will be required to make use of any government NEF or 2+ Funding before requesting any financial support from the college.
It is essential that you speak to a Student Advisor prior to enrolling on a course to discuss your personal circumstances, childcare needs and to find out if there are funds available.
Eligibility for help with childcare costs is based on your personal circumstances.
You need to have evidence that you meet general discretionary Learner Support Funds or 19+ Advanced Learning Loan bursary fund criteria:
All childcare applicants approved for funding will be required to sign our Terms & Conditions and MUST inform the College immediately should they stop attending lessons for any reason.
Email to put your name on the childcare waiting list. You MUST speak to a member of the Student Advice or Learner Services team before you enrol on a course.The Education Funding Authority has allocated money to colleges to support students who are on low incomes or the dependent of parents on a low income, and need support towards their course-related costs or essential living costs or are facing financial difficulty.
For further information click here.
For further information on financial support for Looked after Children, Care Leavers and estranged young people, click here.