This course is exclusively for adults - students must be 19 by August 31st of the year they apply. There are no exceptions to the rule. Preference is given to those with some work experience who have been out of full time education for at least a year. You may be asked to prove that you have relevant work experience.
Students who successfully complete the course will be awarded an Access to HE Diploma (Business Studies) accredited by the Open College Network London Region. This qualification will enable you to apply to study for Business degrees at British universities.
Access to HE Diploma (Business Studies)
You need not have studied business before but an interest in the subject is important as well as the wish to continue at a higher level.
You must be able to demonstrate level 2 English skills (equivalent to GCSE 4-5 (C)).
You must be able to demonstrate level 2 Maths skills (equivalent to GCSE 4-5 (C)).
There is no equipment to buy for this course, but some textbooks may be recommended by your tutor.
Care to learn - childcare support for young people aged 16-20
If you are aged under 20 at the beginning of your course, or moving to the 2nd year of a level 3 course, and are caring for your own child you may be entitled to £175.00 maximum per week, per child through Care to Learn.
Please ensure you register on the Care to Learn website even if you haven’t chosen your childcare provider or the course you want to study. Once you have registered Care to Learn will confirm financial support in principle.
For further details and help with making an application please visit or speak to a Student Advisor.
If you are aged 20+ when you start a course and need financial support to help with the cost of childcare while you study the college may be able to help.
You will be required to make use of any government NEF or 2+ Funding before requesting any financial support from the college.
It is essential that you speak to a Student Advisor prior to enrolling on a course to discuss your personal circumstances, childcare needs and to find out if there are funds available.
Eligibility for help with childcare costs is based on your personal circumstances.
You need to have evidence that you meet general discretionary Learner Support Funds or 19+ Advanced Learning Loan bursary fund criteria:
All childcare applicants approved for funding will be required to sign our Terms & Conditions and MUST inform the College immediately should they stop attending lessons for any reason.
Email to put your name on the childcare waiting list. You MUST speak to a member of the Student Advice or Learner Services team before you enrol on a course.