TAQA is a replacement for the old A1 Assessor Awards. In order to achieve this you will need to assess at least two candidates using a range of methods including observation and questioning.
The course will give you the opportunity to complete the training, observation, questioning and the portfolio building in five days (this is a flexible delivery to suit your business needs); the course is intensive but enjoyable too!
For further information and to apply, please contact our Business Development Team by calling 020 7258 2711, or email business.development@cwc.ac.uk.
Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (TAQA 3 Unit Route)
The Education Funding Authority has allocated money to colleges to support students who are on low incomes or the dependent of parents on a low income, and need support towards their course-related costs or essential living costs or are facing financial difficulty.
For further information click here.
For further information on financial support for Looked after Children, Care Leavers and estranged young people, click here.